Hi all,
Welcome to our P.E page, we plan to use this page to keep everybody updated with news about what we are learning during our topics and also to keep everyone informed about the competitions that we will be taking part in as a school. We compete in our local School Games Group, and last year we took part in the EFL cup through West Bromwich Albion and the SMILES program.
This year the children will be taking part in a wide range of sports in their PE lessons such as: football, basketball, rugby, handball, hockey, dance, gymnastics, cricket, netball, tennis, volleyball, outdoor and adventurous activities (O.A.A) and athletics. We have a fun packed year ahead planned, and hope the children will enjoy the sports as much as we enjoy teaching them!
Thank you,
The PE Team
Great news! Last year we achieved Silver in School Games.
Competition News
This year we are aiming to achieve the Silver award in the School Games Mark and trying to push for the Gold award too. This means that we will be keeping you updated with all of the competitions that we are attending, and the results from those competitions. We will be taking part in a variety of different sports where teams from George Dixon, from different year groups, will be competing against other schools.
COME ON TEAM GD! we will look forward to your support.
Autumn Term Update
So far this term the children in Key Stage 2 have been learning Basketball and a brand new sport in Tag Rugby. The Children in Key Stage 1 have been practising the key skills and improving team work. It is great to see so far that all children have been committed to PE and have put in 100% effort in every lesson.
Congratulation to all the year 5 students who have completed two weeks of water safety at swimming, they have learnt valuable life skills and now know what to do if they or anyone they are with falls into water. They showed courage and commitment over the 2 sessions.
Also this term we held our first intra competition of the year which was Girls Football for years 5/6 at lunchtime, it was great to see so many girls take part and the confident levels have improved since September. We had over 30 girls take part which just shows how many girls are now enjoying football and gaining confidence.