Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
"...everybody can feel welcome here, no matter what the colour of their skin, or their background or their culture"
All schools have a legal duty to meet the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010; at George Dixon we live, breathe and celebrate diversity and inclusion. Our community speak over 50 different languages between them and come from every continent apart from Antarctica!
We are committed to ensuring that all children receive the best education and make strong academic and personal progress while they are part of the George Dixon family.

What our community says:
About our updated RSE policy:
“I think that what you propose is not only appropriate but also necessary. [ ] as this is core to understanding and implementing the other aspects such as respecting differences or personal choice."
About attending our school:
“It's good because we learn about each other's cultures."
"Our sea theme fits because the sea creatures are from all over the world, just like we are."