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Home Learning Year x

On this page you can find the latest set of work that the year x teachers have prepared for your children.

The most important thing you should be encouraging your child to do is read brilliant books!

We use an approach called 'Talk for Writing' in class and the Talk for Writing company have produced booklets to work through at home, the pdf below is the one for your child's year group, you will also find your child's maths work here too:

Logging on to MyMaths and Timetables Rockstars regularly will help keep your child uptodate with their learning.

To make sure your child is as seondary ready as possible teachers have been setting tasks on Rising Stars too.

You should also log your children onto OAK National Academy BBC Bitesize every day to complete the daily lessons online.

We also reccomend Classroom Secrets for extra tasks, for even more options please see our home learning page.

For regular updates from staff please also follow us on Twitter!

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Website da Escola Primária George Dixon

Mantido por P Baldwin & A Clifford

Telefone - (0121) 675 2775

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Midlands Ocidentais

B17 8LE

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