Ku soo dhawoow Dugsiga Hoose ee George Dixon
Ku soo dhawoow boggeena cusub! Qaybuhu wali waa ay socdaan dhismaha laakiin u fiirso meeshan sida aan rajeyneyno in ay si joogto ah u cusbooneysiiyaan oo ay ku daraan qaybo cusub!
Dugsiga Hoose ee George Dixon, waxaanu ku faraxsanahay in aan soo dhaweyno carruurta ka socda adduunka oo dhan. Dugsigeena firfircoon waxaa lagu yaqaanaa bulshadeena si aan u noqono dugsi diirran oo daryeel leh oo aan la shaqeyneyno qoysaska si loo abuuro sifo heer sare ah oo raaxo leh oo lagu dhisay dhiirigelinta barashada.
Waxaan mudnaanta koowaad siineynaa in aan helno caruureero caruureed, waalid taageero ah, guddi maamul oo wax ku ool ah iyo shaqaale adag oo shaqeynaya oo dadaalkooda ay kufilan yihiin dariiqa si loo arko ilmo kasta oo ku guuleystey guul iyo jawi dhiirigalin ah.
Ku soo dhawoow Dugsiga Hoose ee George Dixon
Welcome back to another wonderful term at our school!​
The gates open at 8:45, and we close them at 8:55; if you arrive after this time, your child is late, and you will need to sign them in at the front office.
Pick up at the end of the day is 3:15.
Attendance has never been so important. Please make sure your child(ren) are on time every day - for full information please click here.
Any questions you have as a parent should be answered in the parent handbook, a copy of which can be found here.
The only reason for children to miss school is if they are seriously unwell. If your child has a high temperature or a new continuous cough they must stay at home, as they would with any other infectious disease, until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. Children must also stay at home for 2 days if they have sickness or diarrhea.
Other than that we expect children to attend school every day!
Mrs Good
Daryeelka, Ballanqaadka, Naqshad, Kuujin, Tixgelin, Iskaashiga & Isgaadhsiinta
Carruurta iyo shaqaalaha ayaa si adag u shaqeeyay si ay u horumariyaan qiimaha dugsigeena, oo aan ugu yeerno 7C. Kuwani waxay hoos u dhigaan waxkasta oo aan ka sameyno George Dixon Primary; waxay go'aamiyaan sida aan ula socono waxbarashadayada oo aan ula macaamilno kuwa kale. Waxaan aaminsanahay inay dugsigeena ka dhigaan meel wanaagsan oo ay la wadaagaan Qiimaha Ingiriiska ee Dimuqraadiyadda, xorriyaadka shakhsi ahaaneed, dulqaadka, ixtiraamka iyo xeerka sharciga.
We are proud to be in partnership with the National School Breakfast Programme, providing healthy breakfasts to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn. The NSBP provides us with nutritious breakfast food to ensure children start their school day in the best possible way; a healthy breakfast gives children the energy needed for the busy school morning, enabling them to focus on their
Here at George Dixon we are committed to equality and fairness, no child should ever been too hungry to learn!
Our National School Breakfast Programme includes:
• Breakfast Club
A calm and friendly way to start the day, Mr Clarke and his team will welcome your child and make sure they start the day in the perfect way.
Venue: in the canteen, meet a member of staff at the side gate
Time: 8:30 - 8:50
Cost: Voluntary contribution of £1 a week
• Classroom Bagels
Ready as children come in to the classroom for morning registration, a hot and freshly buttered half-bagel is always available to ensure your child is ready to start their learning with a full tummy and a smile on their face.
Time: 8:50 - 9:05 during registration
Cost: no cost at all!
For more information on our breakfast provision or to discuss the criteria for free
places please contact the school office.
Mashruuca nabdoonaanta
Waxaanu la leenahay mashruuca nabdoonaanta si loo barto farsamooyin cusub oo lagu xaliyo isku dhaca iyo in la abuuro bulsho dugsi oo dheeraad ah. Tani waa habka iskuulka oo dhan oo lagu xalliyo khilaafaadka taas oo ah 'dib u habeyn' dabiiciga ah - taas macnaheedu waa in shaqaalaha iyo carruurta labadaba ay leeyihiin siyaabo cusub oo lagu xaliyo dhibaatooyinka, dayactirka waxyeelada iyo dib u soo celinta xiriirada markay jabaan. Sida ugu weyn ee aan u sameyn doono arrintan waa marka wax qaldamaan; waxaanu waydiisan doonaa dhammaan dadka ku lugta leh inay isu yimaadaan, dhagaystaan saameynta dhibaatada dhinacyada oo dhan iyo inay wada shaqeeyaan si ay ula yimaadaan xalalka qaar.