Learning At Home
If your child is absent from school for a reason that is not sickness (eg transport strikes), they can access work through Wonde. Please follow this link to access the work.
You should also check other websites that we use like MyMaths, Times Tables Rock Stars, Accelerated Reader and Rising Stars. Not every year group uses all of these, your child will have brought a letter home with all of their login details.
If you have any further questions please contact enquiry@georgedixonprimary.bham.sch.uk
We have also compiled this big list of free resources that you can access at home in order to support your child's further learning.
While we are recommending these pages, channels and resources, we do not monitor them on a regular basis and therefore cannot guarantee what content is available on them - it is always the responsibility of the primary care giver to monitor children's use of the internet.
When working online, children will need adult supervision. You would not let your child play with strangers in real life, please do not let this happen online. There are resources to help you keep safe:
Childline - for support
UK Safer Internet Centre - to report and remove harmful online content
CEOP - for advice on making a report about online abuse
Other Resources
It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for other online activities or information to complement the home learning offered from school. We have curated the list below to help take you to what we feel is some of the best content out there.
The BBC has put a huge education offer together to go out on TV on the CBBC channel. This week's timetable.
Barnes and Noble - free ebooks for children
Children's Library - ebooks in various languages
Storyline Online - Children's books read aloud
log in with username: march20
password: home
(Ideal for KS1 and EYFS)
Pobble and Pobble 365
Hamstead Hall School Games Partnership resources
Videos and Stories
Royal Institute Christmas Lectures
Awards and Badges
Blue Peter Badges
Arts and Crafts
The Imagination Tree
Resources for all subjects
(lessons and ideas)
(songs and movement)
(songs to learn and join in with)
These are educational YouTube channels, but we have no control over what content they put out, so please monitor your child's access to social media at all times.
- Crash Course Kids - Science Channel - SciShow Kids
- National Geographic Kids - Free School - Geography Focus
- TheBrainScoop - SciShow - Kids Learning Tube
- Geeek Gurl Diaries - Mike Likes Science - Science Max
- SoulPancake