Admission Arrangements
Reception Admission Arrangements
We are a 2-form entry school in Years 2 - 6, which means in each year group we have 60 children across two classes. In Reception and Year 1 we are a 1-form entry school, with 30 children in each class.
Where there are more than 30 children applying for places in reception we apply the local authority 'oversubscription criteria' which gives priority to children in the following order:
1. Children currently (or previously) 'looked after' by the local authority (e.g. children in foster care or adopted).
2. Children with a statement of Special Needs or an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) where George Dixon Primary School is the named school.
3. Children who will have siblings already at George Dixon Primary School.
4. Distance from the school (measured in a straight line).
More information is available here:
In-Year Admission Arrangements:
If you would like a child to join us after Reception has started or in any other year group, this is called an 'In-Year' admission. You will need to fill in an 'Application for a Change of School (In Year)' form, which is available at the school office.
If there is a waiting list for the year group that you are applying to, the same oversubscription criteria listed above is applied.